miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021

Means of transportation

Travel to the past, Travel to the present


January, Wednesday 27th, 2021

Moscoso Mikaela
Pumisacho Mariely
Santamaría Salomé

Animals: Were used for transportation Bicycle: People use it to work and do
and towing work (such as pulling carts). exercise, at the same time; it's easier to
They were known as "pack or draft animals' '. handle when you transport goods.

Float: It was used to travel great distances Car: The car is considered the most
in time of the Colony, such as to move confortable mean of transportation to
from town to town and 2 people traveled. get around in the cities, compared to the
bus, scooter, etc.

Small plane: It was used to travel short Airplane/Jet: They are use to travel to
distances only in Ecuador, they were small other countries, they are safe and are
and only used by army. use by people who pay tickets for a seat
on plane.

Canoe: It serves as a taxi; they could take Cableway: Now we can use it to go to
people from one village to another by the river many points of Guayaquil, it works by
in Guayaquil. means of cables and it's the current thing
in the city.

Raft: It was used to take people to other places Vessel: It is used to transport heavy goods
but it took to much time. and export Ecuadorians products, but
people don't travel in there.

 Many years ago in Ecuador, the means of transportation were not very advanced as we have now. Over the years we have had some changes in transportation. 

In 1860, animals such as: horses, donkeys and llamas were important for daily work, people used to use animals to carry household stuff. Now, they use bicycles and they were used the first time in 1875. This mean of transportation is used today for: deliveries and daily uses of people in cities.

In colonial times, floats were used to travel, they were small and they were not so comfortable to travel. Floats used to be slower than cars; now, we can travel faster in cars. They have been more modern over time and are the most comfortable and safe way to travel anywhere in the country.

If we talk about air transportation, we can say that airplanes were part of history, the firts was the ´´Patria n1´´. People used to travel in small planes only in Ecuador; now, pople can travel to many different countries in a short time, thanks to the airplanes that are now fast and efficient anywhere in the world.

The canoes were small and used by their natives, in Guayaquil, canoes used to be means of transportation but they were very slow; now people use cabelways, since it is the modern transport of today in the city of Guayaquil, it connects various points of the city and it is easier and faster to transport.

Finally, the maritime transportation. Around 1562, Rafts used to take people to many places; now, vessels only transport goods. Vessel are now one of the most amazing means of transportation, despite the fact that it only serves for exports to different parts of the world from our country.


Personal Best (combined edition B ed., Vol. 6). (2018).

Trasportes.(n.d.).ElComercio. https://www.elcomercio.com/opinion/columna-carlos-jaramillo-evolucion-transporte.html

MediosdetransporteenEcuador.(n.d.).expat.com. https://www.expat.com/es/guia/america-del-sur/ecuador/10932-medios-de-transporte-en-ecuador.html





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